[Story] Dead to You (BxB)

Title: Dead to You (BxB)
Author: Ecaille13
Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance Fiction (speculative)
Tags: apocalypse, boyxboy, romance, bxb, death, gay, love, horror, lgbt, lgbtq, scary, young, zombie, zombie apocalypse, zombies (excluded some non-tags)
Audience: Mature
Main Lead: Male
Status: Complete
VB Assessment Score: PDE 2 CDD 3 SWB 2 || TQ 3 SV 2 || Overall: 12
Number of Chapters: 63
Chapter Length: Medium
Reading Level: Medium
Date of First Release: May 5, 2020
Date of Last Update: December 1, 2020 (estimation based on comments)
VB Reviewed? No
Available on Platform(s): Wattpad
Number of Views: 3.4K
Number of Reviews: N/A
It was a summer of love at Little Brook, a quiet village full of normal people, a town where nothing bad happens.  But it is different tonight for Jack as his boyfriend Michael had just disappeared at the stroke of midnight.
From bad to worse, a zombie plague had just struck their town. Now Jack and his friends have to find a way out of this hell on earth.
Will they escape from the monsters? Will Jack and Michael mend their broken parts?
A story where noble ghouls and malicious angels tread. A land of dreams and nightmares that come true. A fairy tale during the apocalypse. 



Story Post Last Updated: December 14, 2020

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